Media Services
Add Advertisement Placement on Top Banner locations on key pages for top visibility for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, to 1 yr+. Get in front and be one of the first brands to make an impression on viewers in advertisement rotation.
Depending on your location, content type, and service package selection your content will be posted on the correct advertisement locations accordingly.
The purchase of this service includes posting your brand/media on our platforms and social media accounts in designated and relevant placements to attract desired viewers. We are confident that our platforms and networks will provide the perfect place for your content to be seen and appreciated by the right audience. This is an excellent opportunity to create leads and draw traffic to your business. We look forward to seeing the results of your advertising and hope that you enjoy your experience with us.
Content Requirements: Content must not contain nudity and must meet approval before posting on our platforms. Explicit nudity and profanity will not be allowed for promotional content placement. Pricing will vary month to month based on analytics and detailed performance metrics. The price will remain fixed for months purchased in advance.
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